Four students at Outdoor School, recording notes in their journals

Student Chromebook login issues (Sept. 24th)

Students might be experiencing chromebook login issues (this does not pertain to students that use clever badges... they'll log in as they always have been with their clever badges).
Student passwords haven't changed, but it'll require students to "re-sync" their chromebook before proceeding 'normally'.
When kids have previously logged in to their chromebook, they might notice this on their login screen:
Instead of the normal blank field where they enter their password they see the 'Sign in required' button. They'll need to click on that red button that says "Sign in required" to sign in. There they'll see their email address, click on Next, enter their password, click on Next and they'll be logged in at this point, but they'll get a prompt saying that their system is out of sync:
Have them click on the SIGN OUT option by clicking on that message on the SIGN OUT part. Their system will be back to normal now and they can log in as they always have without that red message on the login screen.
While we have your attention, for Zoom logins, please remember to always have the students always log in with the "Sign in with Google" option.